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About Really Raw Honey

About Really Raw Honey

Really Raw Honey® is totally unprocessed honey. It still contains pollen, propolis and honeycomb…

Over Four Decades Ago…

Over Four Decades Ago…

We heard about a beekeeper who lived in upstate New York. This beekeeper presented his honey in its most natural form; raw and…

Spreading the word, growing the network

Spreading the word, growing the network

We are committed proponents for the humble honey bee and her esteemed place in the web of life. How?

What is Really Raw Honey®?

Really Raw Honey® is totally unprocessed honey. It still contains pollen, propolis and honeycomb  — all the goodness the bees put in! That’s why Really Raw Honey® is creamy, smooth and spreadable with sweet and crunchy cappings . Really Raw Honey® is gathered from fields of wildflowers planted by nature right here in the United States.

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  • 2lb 10 oz jar

    2 lb. 10 oz. Jar of RRH

    $36.65 Add to cart
  • 5lbjar

    5 lb. Jar of RRH

    $60.96 Add to cart
  • 8 oz jar

    8 oz. Case RRH (24 Glass Jars)

    $194.81 Add to cart
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Learn About Really Raw Honey®

Really Raw Honey

Really Raw Honey® is totally unprocessed honey. It still contains pollen, propolis and...

Really Raw Honey® is totally unprocessed honey. It still contains...

Fermented Really Raw Honey

Fermented honey is the Nectar and Ambrosia of the Greek gods and the basic ingredient of...

Fermented honey is the Nectar and Ambrosia of the Greek gods and the...

Grainy Honey

Is Really Raw Honey that has crystalized with a grainier texture. It’s great for using...

Is Really Raw Honey that has crystalized with a grainier texture. It’s...

High Cappings

These are the jars of Really Raw Honey that contain a larger amount of cappings. The...

These are the jars of Really Raw Honey that contain a larger amount of...

Other Offerings

Really Raw Honey Propolis Propolis is a resinous substance produced by honeybees. It is...

Really Raw Honey Propolis Propolis is a resinous substance produced by...

Really Raw Honey® Recipes

  • Apple Honey Chutney
    Apple Honey Chutney
  • Spiced Honey Butter
    Spiced Honey Butter
  • French Dressing
    French Dressing
  • Fermented Berry Drink
    Fermented Berry Drink
  • Lemon Lime Orange Grapefruit Aid
    Lemon/ Lime/ Orange/ Grapefruit Aid
  • Banana Strawberry Smoothie
    Banana Strawberry Smoothie


I recently purchased a jar of your Really Raw Honey in Solvang, California. I have had raw honey before but not for some years. This time when I had your raw honey I found that I really wanted to have more and more. It went from a fair amount on a piece of toast to a mouthful! I am becoming quickly a steady consumer of your honest honey! I am already thinking of purchasing some of your raw honey for birthday gifts and Christmas gifts. I am afraid that some tasty regular honeys that sit up in a cupboard are going to be sitting there crystallizing. I am looking forward to becoming one of your steady,enthusiastic consumers as well as a promoter of your raw honey. Cynthia S

I wanted to write and share just how much I adore your product. I don't think I've had real honey before trying yours, and I will never go back to just grabbing a random bottle off of the shelf. I bought Really Raw at my local Whole Foods and WOW! You truly have something special. Immediately after trying, I thought to myself "How have I gone my whole life without this."

I've already shared with my family and friends, and they've started sharing with their circles too. I've hosted friends over the summer here in DC where I live, and I've been sharing bottles of your honey to send back home with them as a souvenir. Every single friend has asked me about your product specifically and begged me to send more, haha!

Thank you for sharing this honey with the community! I will be a lifetime supporter and customer. I hope everyone at Really Raw has a wonderful holiday season and thank you for all you do. 🙂

Kind regards,
Emily S

This is the third bottle of honey I've bought recently and I was just eating some with my 22 month old daughter and I had to tell you guys... we're OBSESSED. I thought I liked honey and knew what it was about but this honey is like no other. Please don't change anything, it's perfection.

Thank you,

Christine & Makayla TenBroeck

My family and I love the Really Raw Honey, especially how it spreads like butter! Even my brother, who normally is not into specialist foods and such, loved it! When my mom and I went to a family restaurant for breakfast on Sunday, she spread some on her toast, ate some eggs and homefries, but then ended up scooping more and more honey. She was like Winnie the Pooh! We still have most of the jar left that I added regularly to my morning breakfast cereal of simple grains like millet, amaranth, and/or sorghum.


Love the taste of your honey! But also it makes for a really wonderful facial mask. My skin feels so rejuvenated. I tried Manuka honey for a face mask and did not get the results I feel with your product. Fabulous inside and out. Thank you!
Sarah W.

Your brand name says it all: Really Raw Honey.
It is crystallized sunshine, infused with flowers and the meticulous care of Nature's little angels: honeybees! Thank you for bringing us the fruits of their labor -- unadulterated and unspoiled!
Kevin H.


I want to start by saying that I have never felt compelled to write an email to a company to leave a review about their product. But today I felt the need to write to Really Raw Honey because I swear I have never tasted honey this amazing before in my life. Hands down, your honey tastes so incredibly delicious and tasty. I’ve been eating the honey straight out of the jar with a spoon, which I’ve never done before with any other honey.

Reading through your testimonials I see that everyone else has been having the same experience as me and I made the right choice by picking up your jar of honey at the local health food market. Thank you so much for your hard work. Please if you read this testimonial, go and get a jar of Really Raw Honey, I promise it’s gonna change your life. I've been eating it with plain yogurt, and I also add it to my smoothies for sweetness. AMAZING!!!!

From a very, very happy customer,
Vlora B.

I am sending this message from japan.
My family loves your REALLYRAWHONEY
especially my little boy!
The great smell of flowers is the best moment,
when tasting.
We wish you all your health and happiness.
from asami

I just wanted to write and thank you for the best honey I have ever tasted! I buy your honey from Wegmans and it is beyond amazing! Thank you!

Natalie Billington

I first found your honey in Brown's Market in District Heights, MD. My husband bought a 5 lb jar!  I've been in love ever since. My 4-year old sneaks spoonfuls of honey, she loves it so much!  I've even turned on my colleagues to your honey. There's nothing like Really Raw Honey! From weight loss to skin conditions, I've reaped the benefits of using your products. A magnitude of gratitude for what you all do! The next purchase will be a case!!!!

Keisha Gwyn-Timbers

I really really love your honey!!!! I think it is the best!!!! I use it in sooooo many  ways!!!!! I have several health issues and your honey helps me very much!!!! Love it, love  it!!!

Sharon E. LaLond

The other day I was finally curious enough to give raw honey a try, so I purchased a 2 oz "energy snack" container of Really Raw Honey in a local health food store. It's AMAZING!!! I can't wait to try it on fresh homemade cinnamon rolls... sweeten my tea... basically, EAT SOME EVERY DAY! It's addictively good! What's wrong with me for not trying it sooner? Thank you!


Hi! I just wanted to share how much we love your honey. It is by far the absolute best honey we have ever tasted .or smelled for that matter! My daughters love to lick it right off the spoon! I've tried using other honey in recipes, especially raw ones, after using yours and the flavor is way inferior. I won't buy any other honey again! Thanks for offering such a wonderful product that fulfills that need for something sweet, but also gives us such great health benefits!

Kimberly Long

Oh my word!! A taste of heaven in a jar!! This is one of the absolute best tasting things I've ever tried! If you only knew what a discriminating taster I am. (My family loves a wide variety of foods, but is often disappointed when we eat out - even at upscale restaurants because they say mine is tastier.) I was expecting it to be good - but this is indescribable ...... I think I can give up all other sweets now.

A honey lover

Bees and their products are Divine gifts to humanity. Since earliest times we humans have been indebted to the honey bee. Bees were always known as creatures that were healers. They produce so many incredible things - wax, honey, propolis, bee venom - which we could never have come up with on our own. It is God's way of expressing his Love. Honey bees are the most peaceful and resourceful of all such insects. Unlike their cousins, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets, they work and live in harmony with the entire world. Their way is a way of peace and total generosity. Everything they labor so long to produce is given away as a gift. Beekeepers will tell you that unless provoked bees rarely attack. In fact most beekeepers with whom I have spoken to speak of the honey bee with deep affection and love. When I see the honey bee, gaze at their perfect hives, and eat their amazing products I know that I am truly blessed.

Harlod Goodman

I have been using and recommending Really Raw Honey for the past seven years as a sweetener for daily use. I use Really Raw Honey in smoothies, yogurt, sauces, and in baking, the taste is wonderful. Really Raw Honey is one of the only brands of commercially available honey that is truly "raw" or "unheated". This assures the user that they are receiving all of the naturally occurring enzymes and other co-factors contained in honey. I will definitely continue to use Really Raw Honey as part of my daily diet and recommend it to patients, clients, customers, and family members.

Jordan S. Rubin

Just wanted to give you an update and let you know I've been loving using your raw honey on my long training runs. I've been mixing the honey, some lemon, and water. It always tastes refreshing and it's a great way to get some energy! I've been encouraging other runners to try it out. Thanks again!


Really Raw Honey is the real thing! Customers appreciate the quality and keep coming back for more!

Ruth Harp

I live up in Minocqua, WI and I am really getting into singing and playing guitar. I decided to look online for good remedies and preventative things for a raspy throat that most vocalists suffer from. Honey was one of the suggestions. I went to the local super market and your jar popped right out at me. I was kind of skeptical at first. I wasn't sure if having "cappings" and crunchy things in my honey was going to taste good. I got the jar home and threw all my other groceries aside. I opened the cap and smelled your honey. I have to say that honestly it didn't smell very good to me. But I like to try new things and jammed a spoon right in the jar. As soon as the honey hit my tongue I was overwhelmed with how fantastic it actually tasted! I must say that I am hooked and will be purchasing a lot more of your excellent honey. Thank you for doing what you do and keep up the good work!!!

Quenton Robl

I really, really Love my Really Raw Honey.

Evelyn Hobert

I purchased your honey because you were recommended by Dr. Rubin in his book, "Patient Heal Thyself". Absolutely Delicious! It takes almost like candy; it's so creamy with bits of crunch. I love it!

Donna Magdalin

This is the tastiest honey I have ever had. I have always purchased the more natural types of honey from health and organic stores. Really Raw Honey has the best taste hands down. I found the consistency unusually thick and easy to spread. What a great and healthy product this is.


I received my first order of your Really Raw Honey three days ago. May I say it is phenomenal! Besides the wonderful flavor, it has helped me get a good night's sleep and I felt energetic during the day. I'm so glad I found you while browsing the internet. (I'm 80 years old.) May I add that I appreciate the fact that your honey contains vitamins and enzymes. I'm thoroughly delighted with it, and I will be ordering more from you in the future. My appreciation, to you and your fine company for offering such an excellent product.

Dorothy Matson

After tasting your honey, I just can't use any other honey! They just don't taste right. My wife has begun to use Really Raw Honey as a spread on her bread, rather than butter.

Joel Cohen

Just wanted to let you folks know that after years of horrible skin condition (have tried everything) RRH is really really helping!!! Not to mention it is BY FAR the most incredible tasting honey!! WOW!!!!!! Amazing, and I m thrilled that your practices are kind to the bees!! We LOVE you guys + RRH!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:  Thank you so much! I ll keep buying!


You have a great product! We love it! Cookie, our dog loves it! Every morning she waits for it or begs for it (whatever you want to call it). She'll come into the kitchen, watch me get the jar and follow me to the bedroom where my wife and I all get a spoonful!

Raymond Weaver

I saw your honey at a flea market in Baltimore. Something said buy it- something said don't buy it. I was feeling pretty down that day, felt like I was coming down with something. It seemed like instantly, when I took a taste of it, I felt a whole lot better by just taking a little scoop of it. Then I gave a taste to my husband and he said "Honey- this stuff is really, really good." We've been tasting ever since. The jar is almost empty.

Vanessa Ray

Just got my first order of your product. I love it! It is far different from those commercial companies that claim they have raw honey (but are really not). I thank you for making a truly great enzyme rich honey. You will be getting plenty of my business in the future.


Okay, I think I've died and gone to heaven. I have never tasted honey this good! I just got my box, just now. I'm in Bellingham, Washington and have been eagerly awaiting this arrival and when the truck came up I looked at that box and said "what is that"! I guess I've never actually seen raw, really raw honey. It doesn't look anything like this stuff. Anyway I made those honey balls and wanted to say "thank you". My family finally has a dessert they can eat. They can't eat any flour products, gluten, nothing-nothing and now I got the dessert for them. I want more- more honey and I want to get my mom some!

Laura Whitman

I first noticed raw honey on my supermarket shelf about two months ago, and made an "eenie-meenie-mynie-mo" choice as to brand. It was very good. The next time, thinking to up the ante, I chose REALLY Raw Honey over the others. WOW!! I was truly shocked at the burst of flavor that exploded in my mouth: a big citrus orange to start with (how is that possible in Maryland?), followed by numerous subtle floral "notes" (I can only compare your honey to a fine wine). Bravo - I'm addicted.

Charles Briefer

That's Good! It tastes like honey should.

Margaret Scolesey

I have been using the honey for 10 days now, and not only have I had amazing relief from the almost unbearable itching, all but a couple small patches have completely gone away. I am so grateful and overwhelmed as I wake up each morning having slept without discomfort. I really thought I was going out of my mind! As my kids say, Bees rock!!!

Cate H.

Wow! I absolutely am crazy for your honey. I thought it looked swell from outside the 2 pound jar I bought at Fairway in Manhattan, but when I got it home and opened it, and smelled and saw and tasted it, whoa! Amazing. Thank you for making such a fine product. I am forever hooked.

James H.

Really Raw Honey to me is not only the most delicious honey I have ever tasted, it is also carries the greatest impact unto my body in an entirely beneficial way! From energy to an overall increased sense of well being, this honey is right up there with the best. Thanks again.


When I cut the lawn and my eyes get watery and scratchy, I take a teaspoon of honey and it clears right up!

Tricia Murtha

I just wanted to take the time to send y'all a Thank You email. Thank You for making this beautiful product. I came across your brand by a fluke at our local Sprouts. They had it on sale. Sadly they do not carry it at the moment. The first time I tasted your honey, I was done for, in a very good way. I will not buy any honey from anyone else. It is literally liquid gold. My mom and her husband drive long haul around the US and know I am a honey addict. So, they buy me honey from everywhere. She recently brought a jar with a piece of comb in it. We did a side by side comparison and a taste off. She instantly wanted my jar of your honey lol. I am a customer for life. Thank you for a product that I can support proudly.


I am instinctively skeptical of fancy honeys. I've been raved to this and that time about this and that honey and how it's special for this or that reason, and each time the honey in question seems to taste, well, like honey. And I'm certainly not the type of fella who goes around writing food-products companies complimenting them on their food products on a regular basis. But my lord. Your honey is unlike anything I've previously had in my mouth or nearby my nose. I'm not sure I will willingly buy another brand of honey again. Every chance I get I have my friends taste this honey to show them how outstanding it is causing my jar to empty uncomfortably quickly. Well done!

Chris M.

I received your precious honey and I am very pleased about the way it was packaged but most of all of the great quality...I even ordered one for my brother who lives in Texas:) Your honey is the best i have had and from now on I'm a faithful customer to an amazing authentic product: Really raw honey. I appreciate your efforts and your works to give us something so pure and so good for our health. I come from Lebanon and I've been in America for 6 years, all my life i was used to organic foods and especially honey. Yours indeed reminds me of home and brings back fine memories! 🙂


Dear Sir or Madam,
I can't begin to tell you how much I love your honey... everything about it!  My dad started eating a (generous) spoonful of your Really Raw Honey every night before he went to bed. I decided to taste your honey to really see what he was so obsessed with- and let me tell you, it's incredible! Your honey tastes so extremely fresh and it's so delicious. I appreciate the quality that clearly goes into making these products. Thank you for everything you do! Keep making the great product you're making!


"I have tried honey from five different places and yours is the best and makes me feel the best. I will be 80 in five months and feel RRH helps me to feel good all the time. RRH is definitely a health food. Start the day with a spoonful and go to bed with a spoonful. When wanting a snack, a spoonful of Really Raw Honey is so much better for me than salted nuts or candy."

Bill Norvell

Great story. We completed the 52.2 mile hike in 23.5 hours. One of our guys bonked on mile 30 and we fed him one of your buzzers and it brought him back to life. He walked another mile somehow to our support car. The honey saved him.

Thanks again!!!

Gregory B.

While in the military on a survival training course my group came across a honey bee hive and "very respectfully with out damaging the hive" took some of the comb and i have been on the hunt for jarred honey that tasted like this ever since, as i am sure you know this is not as easy of a task as i thought it would be until 7SEP13 while shopping at Ingles grocery store I came across a 1lb glass jar of your honey. I am floored, i am taken back to that day on the training op. I will never consume any other honey. Thank you for this amazing product all other honeys are by far inferior.

Delicious! I like the fact that it's not heated. Long live the Bees, Long live Really Raw Honey®!

Pete Seeger

We can not believe the difference Really Raw Honey® has made in our vinaigrette's. Until using your product we had a very difficult time pulling our balsamic vinaigrette up to the flavor level we wanted. Our sales have tripled since using your honey.

Joe Rafferty

Our Facebook

I recently purchased a jar of your Really Raw Honey in Solvang, California. I have had raw honey before but not for some years. This time when I had your raw honey I found that I really wanted to have more and more. It went from a fair amount on a piece of toast to a mouthful! I am becoming quickly a steady consumer of your honest honey! I am already thinking of purchasing some of your raw honey for birthday gifts and Christmas gifts. I am afraid that some tasty regular honeys that sit up in a cupboard are going to be sitting there crystallizing. I am looking forward to becoming one of your steady,enthusiastic consumers as well as a promoter of your raw honey. Cynthia S

I wanted to write and share just how much I adore your product. I don't think I've had real honey before trying yours, and I will never go back to just grabbing a random bottle off of the shelf. I bought Really Raw at my local Whole Foods and WOW! You truly have something special. Immediately after trying, I thought to myself "How have I gone my whole life without this."

I've already shared with my family and friends, and they've started sharing with their circles too. I've hosted friends over the summer here in DC where I live, and I've been sharing bottles of your honey to send back home with them as a souvenir. Every single friend has asked me about your product specifically and begged me to send more, haha!

Thank you for sharing this honey with the community! I will be a lifetime supporter and customer. I hope everyone at Really Raw has a wonderful holiday season and thank you for all you do. :)

Kind regards,
Emily S

This is the third bottle of honey I've bought recently and I was just eating some with my 22 month old daughter and I had to tell you guys... we're OBSESSED. I thought I liked honey and knew what it was about but this honey is like no other. Please don't change anything, it's perfection.

Thank you,

Christine & Makayla TenBroeck